American Advertising Federation Space Coast Welcomes New Board Members for 2021-2022

American Advertising Federation Space Coast Welcomes New Board Members for 2021-2022
Club focus on Renewing Community Connections post COVID-19 with a special emphasis on a New Collaborative Mental Health Awareness Campaign.
Melbourne, FL | June 17, 2021 – AAF, the American Advertising Federation, represents the voice of the advertising industry and its Space Coast Florida chapter announces its new board.
Known world-wide for the American Advertising Awards, the local club has a 30+ year history serving Brevard County’s business community.
Members of the association volunteer their time and talents to plan and execute community events for the benefit of local charities, contribute to the success and growth of local professionals, and promote ethical advertising in our community.
New board members include:
- President: Keri Goff, Brevard Achievement Center
- President-Elect: Jeremy Gerster, Sky Advertising
- Immediate Past-President: Stephanie Byrd, The Viera Company
- Secretary: Shamika Chamberlain, The Custom Ladybug
- Treasurer: Kim Africano, Viera Builders
- Historian: Jeremy Gonzalez, Spectaculoso
- Director: Scott Eller, Rock Paper Simple
- Director: Madison Conradis, Your Logo by Geiger
- Director: Dr. Steven Hicks, Viera High School
- Director: Adrienne Roth, Brevard Business News
- Director: Tracy Stroderd, Everything Brevard
- Director: David Jones, Diversity of Thought, Inc.
Thank you to the following non-board member Committee Chairs:
- AAF Awards Chair: Stephanie Herndon, Florida Tech
- Government Relations Chair: Bill Williams, A Cut Above Video Productions
- Government Relations Co-Chair: Susan McGrath, Brevard Achievement Center
- Technology Chair: Jennifer Pokorny, Rock Paper Simple
- Social Media & Communications Co-Chair: Brian Wallace, The AD Leaf
The operational expertise of the club was recently honored at a district and national level, receiving “Club of the Year” from the American Advertising Federation’s District 4 Governance committee, and national recognition for club achievement and public service for fiscal year 2020-21.
“Every moment of last year was historical and our club rose to each challenge and exceeded expectations. We kept safety in mind as we modernized our internal operations, volunteered and donated time, resources, and items to several local charities, and honored our founding member by reestablishing our scholarship opportunity. The board and the membership are honored to be awarded for the district Club of the Year and at the national level for both Club Achievement and Public Service,” stated Stephanie Byrd, immediate past president.
Looking forward, the club’s focus on renewing community connections for the 2021-22 year will include volunteering at beautification events, hosting a collaborative multi-agency and multi-platform mental health awareness campaign, supporting local charities through supply drives, and hosting several unique networking events with leading advertising and marketing professionals in the area.
“I am honored to lead the club as we come out of what has become the ‘COVID-19 normal.’ With many of our community members vaccinated and so many amazing Space Coast venues that have outdoor spaces available, we are able to safely resume networking activities,” stated Keri Goff, club President, “Our first major event this fiscal year will take place on August 26th at Hotel Melby, where we will be honoring a community member with the highest award our club gives, the aaf Silver Medal award. Networking is back, baby!”
The Silver Medal Award is nationally recognized as the most prestigious award a local aaf chapter can bestow upon the recipient. It was established in 1959 to recognize men and women who have made outstanding contributions to advertising and who have been active in furthering the industry’s standards, creative excellence, and responsibility in areas of social concern.
“We are well aware that we are not ‘out of the woods’ yet with COVID-19, and one of the biggest impacts we will be dealing with for a long time to come is the impact on mental health,” continued Goff. “Our club has big plans to create a multi-agency, multi-platform collaborative mental health campaign as part of our public service initiative. We will be reaching out all through the fiscal year to help create content and gain placements for a month-long awareness campaign in May, which is Mental Health Awareness Month. This campaign will culminate with a broad awareness of local resources to aid those in crisis or experiencing mental health deterioration.”
“I have some big shoes to fill this year, Stephanie Byrd, our immediate past president, was able to accomplish some truly amazing things in the midst of the pandemic, including winning national recognition for our club,” Goff continued. “I am privileged to to build on the foundation she laid, and with the amazing group of people on our board of directors along with our committee chairs, I know this club will continue to push the needle forward for the advertising community here in Brevard.”
From tools, trends, and best practices to behind the scenes look at media, advertising and digital marketing innovation, aaf is the only club of its kind that features people from every facet of the industry. If you are in business, you are in advertising.
For more information on upcoming events, networking opportunities, and how to become a member of the best group of marketing peeps in town, visit
About American Advertising Federation
The American Advertising Federation of the Space Coast is a local club and part of a nationwide network of 40,000 members, promoting positive awareness of the advertising industry while fostering professional growth for its members. The club continually provides unique opportunities for members to share ideas, engage with experts and give back to the community while protecting the advertising industry on all levels.